If you play with fire.......

If you play with fire.......

Monday, 29 November 2010

All That Glitters....

Making gold in World of Warcraft, is, in theory, a simple process. You buy materials, you make stuff with them and then sell them at a higher price. Or you purchase something that’s being sold at a value lower than it is normally and flog it at it’s usual price. That’s the process of gold-making in it’s more simplified form. It’s not hard and theoretically speaking, anyone can do it.

However, nothing is ever as straight-forward as it seems. I debated long and hard about a suitable title for this new blog. I already have a blog about gold making which, if the truth be told, was a rather amateurish affair with minimal contribution from myself. I could, in all honesty, continue with that but felt that a whole change of thought process was required. Last night, whilst struggling to sleep, I realised that there is so much more to accumulating gold in Warcraft than just buying and selling; farming and crafting. The price of materials is only the most basic cost you encounter in gold-making. Which brings me back to the title of the blog.

Many of you will already know the story of King Midas. All he touched turned to gold. It was his dream, a dream which became a fulfilled ambition. And yet there were consequences. Be careful of what you wish for and all that that entails. To a lesser degree I have achieved what I originally desired. I now have enough gold to make any normal WoW player happy and yet, there’s something missing. And that’s the purpose of this new blog.

Whilst I will be endeavouring to report and pontificate on new revenue streams and the production process in Cataclysm, I will also be ruminating on the madness involved with the whole shebang. It’s not just about the philosophy behind making gold, it’s about the repercussions, good and bad. Just what is the true cost behind the journey to a million gold and beyond? What I have discovered so far and what remains in the unknown depths of Cataclysm, that is the focus for this blog.

All the glitters is not gold.

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