Damn it’s so bloody cold here today. Whatever happened to the traditional Irish weather of manky rain in Winter? For the last few days, I open up the curtains and I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not still dreaming. Snow lies fluffily on the ground concealing a treacherous icy surface beneath. It reminds me of Winterspring and I half expect a chillwing to fly around the side of the house at any moment. Ireland’s currently in the throes of a vicious recession and the government are cutting back costs as if Armageddon was approaching. The mood is sombre at the very best, with little optimism.
Not all that long ago in recent history, Ireland was a nation where emigration was a huge problem. Essentially it started around the time of the Great Potato Famine in 1845, where people used to board “coffin ships” bound for America in the hope of a better life. The survival rate was horrendous.
Not all that long ago in recent history, Ireland was a nation where emigration was a huge problem. Essentially it started around the time of the Great Potato Famine in 1845, where people used to board “coffin ships” bound for America in the hope of a better life. The survival rate was horrendous.
However as recently as the 1970’s and 80’s, many young Irish people still felt the need to move abroad to search and hopefully find security and prosperity. The more traditional destinations were America, the UK and Australia and as such many still haven’t returned home. Some did during the Celtic Tiger boom of the late 90’s and the early 00’s but most stayed away, comfortable and secure in the roots they had created in foreign fields.
My server, EU-Emerald Dream is a low population one for the Horde. It’s incredibly active and as my virtual wealth indicates, there is a ripe market for any entrepreneur. Occasionally though, I like to wonder whether whether “emigration” is worth considering. I read tales around the blogs of people on high population realms, the Americas of WoW, about how business booms under the sheer weight of demand and the massive supply chains available. Competition is fierce but the rewards are staggering.
And then I realise the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I too could set sail for a foreign realm only to find I know no-one there and know diddly-squat about the lie of the land. IT would be a risk, and as everything is only virtual in this scenario, it’s a risk not worth taking. I know my own realm and I know who the “players” are from a business perspective. Why move when the opportunities for growth in the expansion are tremendous. In an odd sort of way, it feels like more and more people are transferring to our humble little shores, in search of something new. (Maybe to win the new Wintergrasp now that tenacity has disappeared ;-)
In gloomy times and a small market place, the situation is perfect for expansion and I’m right there in the thick of it. No coffin ship for this humble and proud goblin. Stay and rebuild. Command and Conquer. Reap and Reward.
They were called coffin ships for a reason.
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