If you play with fire.......

If you play with fire.......

Monday, 6 December 2010

Tick Tock, Tick Tock....The Day Before.

At the time of starting to wrote this there are less than 12 hours remaining until Cataclysm goes live. ‘Tis one of the benefits living in Greenwich Mean Time, being able to enter the pleasuredome at 11pm tonight. I would be telling porky pies if I professed to being underwhelmed at the prospect of a whole new world to explore; a clatter of new skills to learn and another gold bullion to accumulate and stash under my virtual mattress.
Being truthful, I haven’t prepped as thoroughly as some of my contemporaries in the GMC have done. A spring clean here and there in guild banks and mailboxes aside, I’ve done very little to maximise my uptime when zero hour finally arrives. Being thorough and super-efficient is not a personality or character trait of mine and this has reflected itself in my activities over the last few days and weeks. Ultimately I know that, whatever happens, I’ll be slap bang in the middle of the marketplace maelstrom, hustling and bustling; bartering and buying. As long as I’m sharp enough to able to think promptly on my feet and snaffle any bargains out there, then I know I’ll be okay.
I’ve enjoyed these last few days of Wrath. There’s a nice relaxed air about Emerald Dream as everyone watches the clock with barely disguised, giddy glee. Trade is virtually non-existent apart from glyphs (more of which in a moment) and all the talk is of levelling, new dungeons and how crap the goblin trikes really are. It reminds me of Christmas Eve when you were a child, wondering what Santa was going to bring the next day.  
Now what I did do was mini-wall the glyph market. Nothing too drastic, just enough to chuck a few cats among the pigeons. My previous fallback prices were 60g and admittedly I sold a fair few at that price level. It involved, however, a fair amount of Ah camping to maintain sales at that level; something which I am feeling slightly grubby about but without regret. The old “bank balance” assuages any of those emotions rather rapidly. I could not be arsed with all of these shenanigans this weekend so I posted 80% of my glyphs at 10g and to hell or be damned with  the consequences. It also gave me a smug satisfaction knowing how much it would vex my main competitors. It’s worked as they haven’t undercut the 80% and the plink plink of the mailbox was a regular,sweet and pleasant sound. They were mainly the sub-prime glyphs, the nice to haves but not essentials. I advertised in my usual way, with humorous macros in trade chat and left it at that. Incidentally, I have the same macros saved across both accounts so I can “advertise” effectively and, when appropriate, constantly. Sales have been plentiful and what’s even more comforting is that I have a bountiful supply in reserve for the future. Ideally I would love to spend as little time as possible on this market in the coming few weeks.
There we have it. This time is nigh. Time to sit back and relax, read some blogs and think about preparing a nice meal for dinner tonight. For what happens after that, at 11pm tonight, one thing is for certain. All hell is going to break loose.

Bring it on.

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